Personal ramblings, hobby projects and photo archive
Generation Commodore
C64, Amiga and the Demo Scene 80s and 90s
Antarctic Quest
Photo documentary from the Antarctic Quest 1903–2003 Expedition
After returning from Antarctica my photos have been used in several presentations, books and exhibitions.
Silicon Valley Comic Con
SVCC was created and kicked off by Steve Wozniak and his friend Stan Lee back in 2016. In 2020 Adam Savage took over the show and named it SiliCon.
Photo documentaries from past events, companies and projects.
Bring plenty of batteries and memory cards, warm clothes and some coffee
Planet Hoth
All about The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars and the production at Finse, Norway back in 1979. Visit Hoth.
In memory of Alan Tomkins. 1939-2020 - Art Director, Star Wars — The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars, Finse, Norway, 1979