“WhatE-trade is for stocktrading, timespotting will be for the daily event and timeplanning”
Timespotting was a one stop portal for everything going on in your city. Created back in 1999.
Read all about it
Free monthly paper distributed on subways, snackbars, cinemas, shops and schools. Perfect size to put in your bag. IncludesID code for all activities for mobile updating of your calendar.
The mobile symbol (spot)
The mobile ID code
The overview start-page which can be customized for you in colours, style and content
Places to stay
User favourites
Go to other city
What & When
Choose your favourite events from 12 categories, ranging from sports and fresh air to kids, film and theatre
Pick your date
See recommendations and information for the event. View movie or play sound, or visit the place of the event
Buy tickets
Move the activity to your personal calendar for easier tracking, reminders and updating with your mobile phone
The main service is your personal calendar where you manage your activities, setup assistants to help you, invite friends and synchronize with your mobile phone
In your calendar you manage all the activities you want to join. You can re-arrange, view media-clips and view your own schedule for the next days, weeks or months.
A key function for you is to manage communication with your mobile phone. Through reminder settings we will remind you of tickets, place to go, transportation and even the event itself. Everything on your mobile phone today.
Every event is followed by a rich set of functions for you to choose from. The possibility for new modules are endless.
Details for where, including direct access to all media information for that place.
More information and possibility to set alarm
Rich media connected to the event
And more..
Screens from the Timespotting webpage
Tromsø 16.11.99
Torsdag 18. november 1999 inviterer vi til pressevisning av www.inorge.no. Visningen vil være på Solid og starter kl.12.00 med introduksjon av tjenesten, samt en gjennomgang av funksjonalitet osv.
Det vil være solid servering for pressen.
Om kvelden arrangerer vi et kickoff-party for bedrifter som allerede er tilkyttet tjenesten. Til nå er ca. 100 Tromsøbedrifter tilknyttet tjenesten, alle med sin unike verdi for www.inorge.no. Det vil være livekonsert med Addvibe - som nylig ble signet til kredlabelen Glasgow Underground, typisk solid mat servering og drikke til inviterte gjester.
Vi ønsker dere hjertelig velkommen!
From the inorge press page - 1999
Homepage PDA version