Alan Tomkins - Finse - Norway - 1979
In memory of Alan Tomkins.
Alan Tomkins
Art Director, Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back.
Alan spend a lot of time at Finse (Hoth) under the preparation and filming, creating everything from the Snowspeeder to the AT-AT Walker.
The Empire Strikes Back started production the 5th of March, 1979.
Mr Alan Tomkins was nominated for an Oscar for his work on The Empire Strikes Back (Best Art Direction, 1980). He has worked on more than 100 movies, including a huge number of stand-out films such as 2001: A Space Oddysey, A Bridge Too Far, Cleopatra, JFK, Lawrence of Arabia, Summer Holiday, Dr No, Trail of the Pink Panther, Batman Begins, Natural Born Killers, Saving Private Ryan, Casino Royale
Alan tells stories from his time at Finse back in 1979 - Photo from 19th February 2018
Slides from Alans presentation at VISIT HOTH, Finse; Norway, 19th February 2018.
Photos from Finse, Norway, during the production and filming of the HOTH scenes from Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back.
All Photographs Courtesy Of Alan Tomkins.
Norwegian newspaper clips from 1979. Visit Finse 1222 to have a look at the originals.