The «Antarctic» story


Books written about the Nordenskjöld expedition.

Bland pingvinar ock sälar, minnen från Svenska sydpolarexpeditionen 1901–03.

S. A. Duse (1905)

Bland pingvinar ock sälar, minnen från Svenska sydpolarexpeditionen 1901–03

Bland pingvinar ock sälar, minnen från Svenska sydpolarexpeditionen 1901–03

Min vän Grundens historier. Minnen från öfvervintringen i Hoppets Vik.

S. A. Duse  1909 (Samuel August Duse)

Min vän Grundens historier. Minnen från öfvervintringen i Hoppets Vik.

Min vän Grundens historier. Minnen från öfvervintringen i Hoppets Vik.


J. G. Andersson


Antarctica, or, Two years amongst the ice of the South Pole ; Antarctica ; Two years amongst the ice of the South Pole

  • Nordenskjöld, Otto, 1869-1928, creator

  • Andersson, Johan Gunnar, 1874-1960

  • Skottsberg, Carl, 1880-1963

  • Larsen, Carl Anton, 1860-1924

Read the book at

Antarctica, or, Two years amongst the ice of the South Pole ; Antarctica ; Two years amongst the ice of the South Pole

Antarctica, or, Two years amongst the ice of the South Pole ; Antarctica ; Two years amongst the ice of the South Pole

English version from 1905

English version from 1905

Dos años entre los hielos, 1901-1903
(Two years in the ice)

José María Sobral

This is Jose Sobral’s first hand account of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition headed by Otto Nordenskjöld. Sobral was the first Argentine to set foot in Antarctica. He was an Argentine military scientist and is considered the father of the Argentine Antarctica. Sobral was asked to perform meteorological, biological and geological studies for the expedition. The Antarctic ship that was meant to return the crew back home was crushed by ice and sank, thus, the expedition spent an extra winter in the Antarctic stranded. The survivors were rescued a year later by the Argentine ship Uruguay. This is a spectacular story of Sobral’s perspective and observations during the expedition written in Spanish.

Read the book at


Tempo comic

The Norwegian comic magazine Tempo from 1970 featured the Larsen and Antarctic story over five pages. Issue “Mystikk pa Racebanen” — 197001, January 1970.

Tempo nr 1–1970 featuring the story “Forlatt på Sydpolen”

Tempo nr 1–1970 featuring the story “Forlatt på Sydpolen”

Front page of the Le Petit Journal 6th of December 1903 nr 681.  - Dans les régions antarctiques. Le docteur Otto Nordenskjold retrouvé.

Front page of the Le Petit Journal 6th of December 1903 nr 681. - Dans les régions antarctiques. Le docteur Otto Nordenskjold retrouvé.

le petit parisien edit.jpg


Doctor Otto Nordenskjold found

News arrived that caused great joy around the world. One of these heroic scientists who risk their lives for the advancement of science, the Swedish doctor Otto Nordenskjold, who was considered to be lost forever in the Antarctic ice, has just been found. Success was complete, only one of his companions, a sailor, was missing; everyone else is saved.

- The start of the article translated from french.

Original text in French



Le docteur Otto Nordenskjold retrouvé

Une nouvelle est arrivée qui a causé une joie profonde dans le monde entier. 

Un de ces savants héroïques qui risquent leur vie pour le progrès de la Science, le docteur suédois Otto Nordenskjold, que l’on considérait comme perdu à jamais dans les glaces antarctiques, vient d’être retrouvé. La réussite est complète, un seul de ses compagnons, un matelot, manquait à l’appel ; tous les autres sont sauvés.

HVAR 8 DAG - 6 september 1903 - no 49

HVAR 8 DAG - 6 september 1903 - no 49

IDUN 1903 - 28 November - NR 48 (883)

IDUN 1903 - 28 November - NR 48 (883)


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Tracking the historic voyage of «Antarctic»


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