Silicon Valley Comic Con 2016

2016 — the first con - 18–20 March

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William Shatner

From Star Trek’s Captain Kirk to Boston Legal’s Denny Krane.

William Shatner — Photo: Teodor Bjerrang

William Shatner — Photo: Teodor Bjerrang

Jeremy Renner

Known for The Avengers, Mission Impossible, Arrival and Wind River.

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Back to the Future

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Thanks Christopher Lloyd for the photo — Please go and support TEAMFOX — For parkinson’s research

Christopher Lloyd and Teodor Bjerrang

Christopher Lloyd and Teodor Bjerrang

The amazing Stan Lee


Stan Lee - Photo: Teodor Bjerrang

Stan Lee - Photo: Teodor Bjerrang

Woz, Stan and Stan Lee’s daughter Joan Celia Lee

Con Man

Nathan FillionAlan Tudyk and PJ Haarsma — Check out CON MAN the series!

Alan Tudyk — Photo: Teodor Bjerrang

Alan Tudyk — Photo: Teodor Bjerrang

Nathan Fillion

Nathan Fillion

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Photo: Teodor Bjerrang

Photo: Teodor Bjerrang


Silicon Valley Comic Con


Silicon Valley Comic Con 2017